Monday, August 20, 2007

How Can White People Counter Racism?

Greetings Justice seekers!,
Welcome to the Follow The Logic blog, a place where words are used to reveal truth in a manner that justice and correctness is promoted.

Todays post will focus on what White people can and must do to counter the system of Racism (White Supremacy).

I noticed in many discussions I have witness and participated in with people who have classified themselves as "White" concerning Racism, White people will always state that they are "not racist" or they are "pro-justice" or anything else similair, however when asked to provide detailed and truthful information about the mechanics of how people are mistreated on the basis of color and what are the mechanics for working against being mistreated on the basis of color, those same White persons, at least to mine and the other observations by Victims of Racism (non-white people), WILL NOT provide such information in a manner that truth is revealed with the objective of promoting justice + correctness. Therefore, as a compensatory mesaure, I have compiled a list of suggestions that people who classify themselves as "White" and function as "White" should and probably must do in order for this UNJUST system of Racism (White Supremacy). This is a list that I have gathered from an excellent source for counter-racism (, as well as additions that I have made in addition to other Victims of Racism.

Things White people can and probably must do to counter the system of Racism (White Supremacy)

(1) Do not lie to non-white people.

(2) Do not withhold constructive information from non-white people.

(3) Do not involve yourself in conversations, other than to listen, with other white people that are saying things that will result in the mistreatment of non-white people.

(4) Reveal all information to non-white people of anything said that will result in the mistreatment of non-white people to every non-white person the white person comes in contact with.

(5) Do not involve yourself in any activities, other than to listen and to understand what is being done, when white people interact with other white people that are saying things that will result in the mistreatment of non-white people.

(6) Reveal all information to non-white people of anything white people are planning to do that will result in the mistreatment of non-white people to every non-white person the white person comes in contact with.

(7) Do not cause any unjust harm to any non-white person. Only in acts of self-defense is this permitted.

(8) Do not promote any thought, speech, and actions that directly and indirectly helps to support the maintenance, expansion, & refinement of the system of Racism/White Supremacy at all times, in all places, in all areas of people activity.

These suggestions (or perhaps mandates) are designed solely to ensure that non-white people are not mistreated unjustly and to ensure that non-white people receieve help at all times in all places, which is interestingly the definition of Justice (guaranteeing no person is mistreated and guaranteeing the person who needs the most help, get the most help at all times, in all places, in all areas of people activity forever).

This list is currently growing and it is imperative that all non-white people have in mind these suggestions when interacting with persons classfied as "White" about Racism.

Stay tuned for more detailed posts on this!

Happy Countering Racism!

Monday, August 13, 2007

The TWO weapons of the Racists

Greetings Justice seekers,
This post will briefly explain the overall strategies used by the Racists to keep the system of Racism in existence on this planet, RIGHT NOW!

All material/information written in this post is taken from or otherwise inspired by the United-Independent Code/System/Concept (a.k.a "The Codebook") by Neely Fuller Jr.

According to the codebook, the White Supremacists use two BASIC methods in practicing Racism

1. Deceit (Saying things that are false and/or influencing people to believe things that are false)
2. Direct Violence (Direct bodily harm), including the threat of direct violence

The system of Racism White Supremacy is always practiced with deceit, or with direct violence, or with a sophisticated combination of both.

Plain & simple, the smartest & most powerful people on this planet, collectively (White Supremacists), utilize an extremely simple, yet very destructive and disastorously effective formula for maintaining their supreme posistion over ALL of the people the Racists CLASSIFY as "non-white". Deceit & Direct Violence, ALWAYS.

The practice of deceit is mainly acheived through the use of words. This is the central reason why words in counter-racist code is extremely vital. A counter-racist must reveal truth using words in a manner that justice + correctness is promoted. The Racists often use words to reveal lies for the purpose of promoting falsehood, injustice, & incorrectness at the same time to establish what I define as "chaos" (the opposite of "Peace") in the known universe among people & things other than people.

So are you saying that the White Supremacists never make true statements?

Not quite, although the White Supremacists often use words in a way that truth is not revealed for the purpose of confusing their victims (non-white people), the Racists do from time to time use words to reveal truth. In other words the White people that practice Racism (White Supremacy) will make statements that the evidence shows is true, however, they will tailor those true statements solely for the purpose of maintaining the system of White Supremacy (i.e. not reveal truth for the purpose of promoting justice + correctness).

Here is an illustration of how the Racists use truth to cause confusion and maintain the system of Racism:

Racist (White Supremacist): "Black males are 60 percent more likely to become incarcerated before the age of 25 than White males in the U.S."

Non-White person: "Doesn't this fact indeed serve as an indictment on the existence of the system of Racism/White Supremacy?"

Racist (White Supremacist): "Well I don't quite see it that way. I think the responsibility ultimately boils down to the lack of responsibility and accountability in the black family structure. Now there may be some unfortunate circumnstances present in the social dynamics of minorties living in this part of the world that may have contributed to the staggering statistic I just mentioned, however, blah, blah, blah..."

As demonstrated in the above illustration, the Racist revealed a statement which is most likely true, however, when asked to use that "true" statement to promote justice + correctness by revealing how the system of White Supremacy (Racism) is the central cause for the statement, the Racist proceeded to practice Racism by attempting to confuse the non-white person. Throwing a bunch of words and statements to the point where hopefully, the non-white person will get too confused to continue the conversation in a constructive, counter-racist fashion.

To sum up this post, the BEST way of dealing with the two basic methods of the Racists/White Supremacy is to use words in a manner that not only reveals truth, but uses that truth revealed to promote justice + correctness at ALL times, in ALL places, in ALL areas of activity, including Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, & War.

More on this in a future post

Happy Countering Racism!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Compensatory Counter-Racist Code" (an Introduction)

Welcome again to the Follow the Logic blog. As I have previously stated, the ultimate purpose of this blog is to present constructive information on the system of Racism (White Supremacy), what it is and how it works, to ALL individual Victims of Racism (non-white people), so that they may use such information in a matter that promotes justice & correctness, as individuals.

Today I will provide a brief introduction to "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code" as prescribed by the The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept. A Textbook/Workbook for thought, speech, and/or action for Victims of Racism (White Supremacy) written by Neely Fuller Jr.

The ultimate purpose of "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code" is to provide the tools that will aid any victim of racism in countering (working against) the effects of the system of Racism and eventually replace the system of Racism with a system that guarantees that no one is mistreated and guarantees that any person who needs the most help WILL receive the most help at all times, in all places, in all areas of people activity (i.e. Justice), which in turn will guarantee balance between EVERY person in existence on the planet.

In addition, "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code" should not only be used to just guarantee balance between people on the planet through the production of Justice, but produce a system which guarantees balance between all people and all things other than people (animals, plants, insects, etc.), also called Correctness.

The combination of Truth, or that which is (the basis of "counter-racist code"), with a system that guarantees balance between ALL people (Justice), & a system that guarantees balance between all people and all things other than people (Correctness) will guarantee the production of "Peace".

In order to practice "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code", you must reveal truth (that which is) with the intention of helping to replace Racism with Justice.

What is meant by "Compensatory"?
Simply the Compensatory aspect of "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code" is making up for what is missing or otherwise significantly lacking. Under a universe dominated by a system of injustice & incorrectness (Racism/White Supremacy), the logical thing that is missing in the universe is a system of justice & correctness. Counter-racist code is used to compensate or make up for the code (method of getting things done) that keeps the system of Racism in existence (i.e. Racist Code).

Things to keep in mind about "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code":
  • The ultimate objective of using counter-racist code is to reveal truth (that which is) in a manner that helps to produce a system of Justice (guaranteeing no one is mistreated & guaranteeing that any person(s) who needs the most help will receive the most help), a requirement for the establishment of"peace".
  • The current reason for the existence of "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code"is to make up for the code that currently exists called "Racist code", which is the code (method) used to maintain the system of Racism/White Supremacy by the Racists/White Supremacists themselves.
  • Counter-Racist code should be used also to establish a system of correctness (guaranteeing balance between people and all things other than people), ideally at the same time a system of Justice is produced, in order to finalize the existence of "Peace" across the known universe.
Although this introduction is just that, an introduction, I hope that VORs (Victims of Racism) will use the preceeding information to develop the will to produce "Peace" using "Compensatory Counter-Racist Code". More details about this "code", including specific examples of how to use the "code" in addition to how the code is used by VORs will come in future posts.

Happy Countering Racism!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Welcome to the Follow The Logic Blog!

Greetings and welcome to the Follow The Logic Counter-Racist Blog. My handle is codified_soldier (I will explain what that means in a future post, in detail), and as I have stated in the "About Me" section, I am a "non-white" person (I will also explain what that means in detail in another post as well). The purpose of this blog is to provide every VOR (Victim of Racism) that may encounter this site, with useful information, strategies, and techniques to counter the effects the system of Racism (White Supremacy) forces on its victims.

What this blog IS NOT...
  • A forum in which words are NOT used solely with the intent of revealing the truth about what the system of Racism (White Supremacy) really is, and how it works in all the known areas of people activity (Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, & War).
  • A forum in which ANY speech expressed results in anyone being unjustly mistreated and/or results in non-constructive speech & action.
  • A forum in which ANY promotion of thought, speech, & actions that supports the maintanance, expansion, & refinement of the system of Racism (White Supremacy) will be tolerated.

What this blog IS...
  • A forum in which words ARE used solely with the intent of revealing the truth about what the system of Racism (White Supremacy) really is, and how it works in all the known areas of people activity (Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, & War).
  • A forum in which ANY speech expressed results in a person or people developing and utilizing critical thinking skills in a manner that propells that person or people into constructive problem-solving activities.
  • A forum in which ANY promotion of thought, speech, & actions that supports the maintanance, expansion, & refinement of the system of Racism (White Supremacy) will be handled using correct and just means.
I hope that any person who is interested in replacing the system of Racism (White Supremacy) with a system of Justice will use the information posted on this blog herein to help in the accomplishment of this simple, but GREAT goal, or at least, develop the will to do so.

Happy Countering-Racism!